Friday, November 21, 2008

So where to begin!? I know it's been FOREVER since I wrote and A LOT of thing have happened since then! Here's a few recaps over the last month and a half!

1. TRISTAN STARTED CRAWLING! He started crawling actually two days after his six month birthday. He started out slow but has really gained some speed. He can get around the room in about one minute now! It is unbelievable how much he can do! We play a game where he chases me around the couch and he LOVES it! LOL He laughs the whole time!

2. WE MOVED!! On 11/15 we packed up (okay, so we actually started packing a lot earlier than that LOL!) and moved out of our tiny two bedroom apartment to a house in Garland! We now live off of Centerville and Northwest Highway (635 & Centerville) in a four bedroom, three bath, two living area HOME! We are soo happy to be living a house instead of an apartment! Lloyd and I even have a roof top patio attached to the master bedroom! Because we have an extra room my younger sister decided to move in with us so it's...Lloyd, Priscilla, Kathy, Kaci, Tristan, Lana, Foster and I! You can really say we are one big happy family LOL

3. WE HOSTED OUR FIRST THANKSGIVING! So as I said we moved in on 11/15 so we only had 12 days to get the house in order before the big day! Priscilla, Lloyd and I really had to hussel to get the tree up, Christmas decor out, boxes unpacked and furniture arranged but it all got done. We cooked about half of the turkey day lunch including ham, turkey, green bean casserole and stuffing then asked the other family members (both mine and Lloyd's sides!) to bring the rest. The feast was well worth the prep time and the visiting with family members wasn't to shabby either LOL The only problem I was SICK SICK SICK. AGAIN! I had a fever, cough, stuffy nose - the works. I was all off balance and I ended up stubbing and cutting my pinkie toe open on the fire place THEN I fell down the stairs after putting the baby to bed! I'm just thankful I wasn't holding him when I plummeted down those twisted stairs! Other than that the day was a hit and we were happy to host one great Thanksgiving Day lunch! :)

4. Lloyd shot his first TWO deer! So most of you don't know but Lloyd has taken on a new hobby of hunting! My dad is a hunter and the tradition goes waaaay back on my dads side of the family. He even took Kathy and I when we were younger and I must admit I've bagged a deer or two of my own. Anyway, my dad has a deer lease out in west Texas and during hunting season he's no where around on the weekends. At least no where around Garland! He's off at the lease living it up in is luxury travel trailer and up at the crack of dawn to sit in a stand and wait for a deer to walk by. This season Lloyd has began tagging along. He's really grown to love going and now we don't see him any where around on weekends! He is lucky that my mother (and aunt Pia!) are supportive enough to watch Mr.T on the weekends so he can go enjoy the great outdoors and male bonding pretty often! So the weekend before Thanksgiving Lloyd got not one but TWO deer on his Friday night hunt. He shot the first and before he knew it another crept up and he bagged that one too. He got a 6 point buck and a doe. I know some of you may not believe hunting is humane but we eat every part of the deer and the meat from these two will last us all or most of 2009 so I believe we do it the right way! Congratulate Lloyd on the big trophy next time you see him!

5. TRISTAN GOT HIS FIRST TOOTH! My little boy is growing up soooo fast! On the Sunday after Thanksgiving when I was still sick and little man was starting to get sick we had my mom come over so we could go clean out the apartment since we had it till the 30th. Before I left I checked his temp and it was 103! I quickly gave him a dose of Tylenol and tested my mom on how to handle the situation (LOL I couldn't help it) and rushed to get stuff done. On my way home my mom calls me and tells me she has a good idea why T had such a high fever...He had gotten his first tooth! It's the bottom left. It still has some growing in to do but it's comes out more everyday. It's soo cute...but also bittersweet. Pretty soon my baby won't be a baby anymore! Sometimes I can't wait to share Christmas's with a bright eyed "big boy" and others I just want to put a spell on him so he'll stay little forever! Aww too bad though it's inevitable - he's growing up! I wonder how long before the next...

6. And last but NOT're never going to believe this BUT TRISTAN TOOK HIS FIRST STEPS! Even before he was crawling Tristan has been pulling himself up and standing. He looks so weird because he's soo little - you just think "that baby should not be standing!" But he loves gives him a sense of control. He started by holding on to whatever he could for dear life and slowly started letting go. Then he would kind of guide himself down the couch holding on then sitting down crawling then standing up again. Now he lets go of whatever he was holding and stands for as long as he can. He then usually falls into a sitting position but on Friday he stayed up and went for it. He took two steps and fell. LOL You could tell he wanted to keep going and was kind of mad. He gets the concept now though and I am imagine he will be walking around the house within two months! This is just soo crazy - stop growing up little man!

I don't have many pics with me so here's a few Aunt Angel took when she baby sat him a few weeks ago. She bought him those candy stripped baby legs and diaper cover with the monogrammed T on the butt. LOL Are they not the most adorable thing you've ever seen!?!

Okay so there's some more that I don't quite have time for right now and I'm at work so I don't have pictures with me (except a few!) but I promise to change my layout SOON and keep you all updated more often!