Thursday, August 28, 2008

Popo's New Truck

About a month ago Popo (Lloyd's father) came into town, which is a rare occasion as he is a busy truck driver, so Lloyd and Tristan went to visit him. When they got there they realized they were in for a real treat. Popo got a really neat new truck and Tristan and Lloyd got to check it out in detail. It is really nice and we are glad Popo gets to drive around in it! It's a really pretty dark blue and has two full size beds so he gets to really relax when it's time to wind down. I'm sure once Tristan is older he'll think Popo's truck is really cool and appreciate it a little more! Here are some pictures of the fun outting!

The long view 
Loving on Mr. Tristan
Popo and Tristan - can you see the resemblance? LOL
Don't take off with Tristan!

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Tristan having fun

Okay so today I FINALLY figured out to put my camera pictures on my computer so now you guys no longer have to subject to the crappy phone pictures! So of course I will be posting a lot more now!

These pictures were taken about a week and a half ago. Tristan LOVES riding around on Daddy's sholders and just cracks up almost the whole time. Of course Lloyd holds on tight!

Look at me Mommy!Daddy Kisses For Tristan!
Is this not just TOO CUTE?
Hold on tight!

Another one of Tristans amazing accomplishments has been that he can now sit/stand in his ExerSaucer! At my baby shower extended family pitched in to get Tristan this activity center chair and Tristan just adores it. He hits all the toys and makes me sing to him, tries to get all of them in his mouth and even jumps up and down and rocks the whole thing. Once he gets in he knows he's in for a lot of fun and here is him enjoying that fun!

Well I like my toys but I like my hands too!
Preoccupied by Mommy
Trying to pull the toys into his mouth...he can't figure out why they won't reach!
Oh well! I'll just jump up and rock this thing!

Just chillin'
Well I've got lots more to share with you and I'll try to post again later this week!

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Life As It Is....

Okay so I know it's been FOREVER since we've written and I'm sorry! Life has just been so much fun and busy lately. Here's just a little bit about what's been going on with us...

First Lloyd decided to take a month long break from work before starting his new job. As you know Lloyd worked at Lone Star Baby & Kids for the past twos years but recently decided that he should take a step in another direction. We made the decision that Lloyd would go ahead and stay at home with Tristan while he pursued other options. Daddy has had a lot of fun staying home with the little guy and getting to see the new things he learns everyday. We weren't really too concerned with searching for a new career for Lloyd when oppurtunity came a'knocking. I know some guys that live at the community I work at that work for TXU. They do outside sales and seem to be very happy with it (not to mention doing pretty well for themselves). They stopped by the office last Saturday and mentioned they were looking for some new guys. Well before I (or Lloyd!) knew it Lloyd had an interveiw schedule for that Monday. Well being the awsome guy Lloyd is of course he got the job and starts tomorrow! He's super excited to try something new and is going to give it his all! I'll update you on that as it comes in! ;)

Since Daddy has been home Tristan has made amazing progress! The latest accomplishment is that he is now a rolling over pro! Tristan has been rolling over for almost a month now. You can not lay him on his back for more than 45 seconds without him flipping over! At first he would just roll over and get frustrated because he couldn't keep his head up for very long. He would hold is up for about 2 minuets then his little muscles would give out. Well now he's mastered the head holding and even arches his back and looks around. He no longer falls face down and can stay up as long as he likes. He has even began scooting! He wants to crawl so bad he can taste it! He kind of rocks his body back and forth and kicks his legs. He can move around a little bit and generally ends up about 2 feet from where he started! We're soooo proud of our little boy and know he will be crawling before we know it! He's also gotten pretty good at sitting up. He still can't do it all on his own but with a little bit of help from Mommy and Daddy he can stay sitting for quite a long time!

Here are some cute ones Daddy got of Tristan since he's been home...

I wanna take off!
I just can't get going!
Scooted down a little too far!

Another exicting thing that happened is Aunt Angel moved back home! We are soo excited Aunt Angel (my older sis) has come back to Dallas! She moved to South Carolina last year for a new job and really enjoyed it but Spartenburg is just no Dallas! So she convinced her bosses to let her work from home (Way to go Angel!) and got to come back! Tristan is happy Angel gets to see her nephew grow up! In fact we're going to see her tonight! I'll post those pictures later. =)

Also about a month and a half ago our Nephew Aiden turned a whopping 3 years old! He's getting soo big and starts Pre-K next year! We didn't get to make it to the actual birthday party so we stopped by the night before to give the little guy his gifts and captured some awsome pics! I have to share these with you!

Aunt Yolanda and Cousin Aiden (And The Hulk boxing gloves Uncle Lloyd gave him!)
Cousin Aaron
Showing off his sword
Axaiver and his Batman outfit
Trey and his favorite weapon ;)