Monday, June 23, 2008

Our Wonderful Daddy!

So life has been busy busy lately. Last Tuesday was my first day back at work and I won't be off until this Thursday so I will have been on a nine day stretch. Luckily Lloyd and I both have that day off together so we'll get to spend some time together. It's been hard adjusting to being away from my little guy all day. The first morning I had to have Lloyd drive me to work with the baby so I could get just a little more time with him. I do rest a little easier knowing Lloyd is such a good daddy and takes such good care of him. Tristan and I are truly blessed to have such a great father and husband. He takes 50% of the load with the daily duties of taking care of the Tristan - he even cleans the house for me on his days off! Not many mommies get to have their hubbys' get up with them each time the baby cries just to make it eaiser for them to stay up in the middle of the night. I don't even have to ask him to do these things either. He does them because he loves us so much and truly wants whats best for his family. No one could ask for a better man. What I'm really trying to say is thank you from the bottom of my heart, I love you baby.

Here's some pictures of Tristan and Daddy (Most of them aren't that great as they were taken with our phones...we haven't put the camera pics on the computer yet but we will soon!)

Play Time!

Two proud daddies! (Kevin and Joshua on the left)

Burping the baby!
Hi Mommy!
Kisses for Tristan!

I surprised him with this pic but I like it!

Saturday, June 14, 2008

Well where to begin. Life has been getting busier and busier the past month and a half. Tristan Luke is almost 6 weeks old and already getting big! It's truly amazing to see how much he has grown in such a short period of time. A few months ago he was this little tiny baby growing in mommy's tummy and now he's this a smiling, cooing, healthy baby boy who amazes us everyday. He's starting to show soo much personality. He loves it when daddy tickles his stomach and he just smiles from ear to ear. You can tell he wants to laugh and have fun he just doesn't quite know how yet. He's getting tummy time everyday to help his little muscles develop and he can hold his head up and turn it from one side to the other. Everyone told us we'd just fall in love with him but you really don't know true love, joy and pride until your a parent. He's got mommy and daddy wrapped around his little finger!

Tristan Luke Andrade
Born 5/6/08 at 2:30 p.m.
Weight: 7 lbs 15 oz
Length: 20 inches

The first time Mommy held her baby boy

Daddy putting on Tristans' first diaper

Proud Aunt Angel

Grandpa Hartline Aunt Kathy (you can tell she's a little nervous to hold him!)
Aunt Pia and Tristan (Soo cute!)

There's soo many more I could add and believe me I will! We've got a lot of catching up to do!

Other than keeping up with our little guy we have just been enjoying the summer! We spent a whole day shopping for summer so we've got all our gear now just bring on the good times! So far we've just been doing a lot of park visiting with Lana and the baby. We got to go out to Lavon and see Yomaida, Scott, Nealy and Brayden a few days ago. Little Brayden is growing so fast - he looks more like his mommy everytime we see him. Just think in one short year Tristan will be that big! It's hard to imagine! Nealy's getting big too, she turns 10 on July 4th. We'll get to go out and see everyone again on the 4th of July for Nealy's family birthday party then hopefully over to my family's house to enjoy Tristan's first firework show! Summer fun here we come!